Sunday, November 3, 2019
Waking to the Caffeinated Omelet of Golganeth
And there you are. Lethargic. Groggy. Bleary eyed and weak.
But Golganeth the Black God of the Crows is ever watching.
Its red eyes are ever watchful.
And it demands that you drink.
So you look through your arcane tomes borrowed from the libraries of the city. The scribes have scrawled this recipe over the entry for Golganeth.
The Caffeinated Omelet of Golganeth:
12oz coffee brewed strong
4 tablespoons of egg whites
2 tablespoons of light cream
Dash of cinnamon
Splenda or your sweetener of choice if you so choose.
The Ritual:
Put cream, cinnamon, and splenda in a blender. Add coffee. Blend for 2 seconds.
Add egg whites. Blend for 4 more seconds.
Pour into a cup and garnish with more cinnamon.
Theres science here but I will not get into the alchemy behind this.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
With Haste and Shame the Defeated Returns to the Walls Which He Shunned in Pride
There was only weakness.
There was only false promises made by gurus and quacks.
And now look.
Now look at me.
Middle Aged and as fat and gross as when I first started this journey.
Because I strayed from the path.
Strayed too far to the enemies camp.
Became the enemy.
But, now.
But now I am here. I have returned.
Will they let me in?
Will they allow me to stay?
Will I still be blessed with the wisdom ov the ancient shadowed libraries?
Or will I be cursed to walk through blackened alleys of the city.
One of the masters of this place, a bearded man on an eight-legged white horse sees me. Recognizes me. Calls me over. His eyes are silver. Burning silver. They bore into me, and I fall to my knees.
I weep then. Weep and sob and moan.
He gets off his horse and lifts me by the throat with one hand. He then slams me into a wall, holds me there. His breath smells of almonds and butter.
"You have failed," he snarls. "Again."
All I can do is nod.
"You have one chance more. Now set thy goals."
He releases me and I fall to the ground, wheezing. And then I rise. "I will not fail again," I spit.
"Good. Prove it to me. Prove it to yourself."
I nod again. It's time. It's time to go from an abomination into the warrior I am destined to be. But now it is up to me. I have all the resources I need. Access to the Ancient Works. To the Forbidden Lore. But it is up to me to DO IT.
Saturday, June 9, 2018
The Knowledge Gained During my Exile
I have given in to the sugary delights of the poison minded Serpentfolk of Uthcanan, and bacame Gornaeth, and betrayed my brethren and beliefs. I knew better.
I knew better.
But I didn't listen.
I thought I knew better. That I could conquer the Serpentfolk from outside the walls. I was wrong.
The false sway of fitting cake into my macros, where it should have been pork or beef, or even chicken.
The false sway of low fat and low protein being the way of weight control.
The false sway of anything other than the demonic teachings of the scribes and sages of Ketogazar led me down a path of doom. And here I sit. Pounds heavier. Joints hurting. Lethargic.
But no longer!

Hear me Glebruzu and citizens of Ketogazar! I have returned! I am back from my exile! I have escaped the clutches of the Serpentfolk and am no longer Gornaeth!
It is time to bask in the light of the flames of argent urgency and glorious flesh.
Meat is back on the menu, and it is time to heal my body, soul, and mind.
The scribe Deliar has given me a scroll with instructions on how to reachieve my place within these hallowed walls.
I will share it with you, brothers and sisters, for to become Gornarth is a fate worse than death.
1. Deal with the issues you have that make you seek solace in food.
2. Cut out any drink that has calories. Any.
3. Weigh and Track everything you put in your mouth for at least two weeks straight.
4. Intermittent Fasting works wonders with food control.
Deliar reminded me of where I had been, of what I was accomplishing. And here we are.
I have now stepped back into this city of hope, the hordes outside wailing in frustration and lethargic agony.
Let's stay this time, defended by these walls. The library is open. Let us read our fill of knowledge. Let us be equipped with the strongest bodies and minds possible for the upcoming war. The war against the Serpentfolks of Uthcanan.
A war in which we will be victorious! To glory and riches!
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
The Return
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Turkey Meatza of Blackest Fowlness
1/4 cup pasta sauce
Whatever toppings you like
An oven
Once the meat is beat, shape it into a thin circle. Think burger.
Cook 15 minutes.
Take out.
Add sauce and toppings.
Cook another 15-20 minutes.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
The Aborted Raptor Bake
It has been said that there is no better way of starting the day than bathing in the blood of your enemies, eating a plate of eggs and lean meat.
8 eggs
1 pound of 96% lean ground beef
1 Jalapeño
The Ritual:
Preheat your incinerator to 350
Spray a baking a dish with a blast of unholy lube, butter flavor of you have it. Pam works in a pinch
Brown your beef in a pan.
Drain any fat.
Put beef in baking dish with eggs and jalapeños.
Add your spices.
Bake for 20 minutes or until done.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Meatza of the Hellbeast Glazanor
From the bowels of the hellforge, the flesh of the longpig is transformed into the delicious meatza of blackest evil.
1 pound lean ground pork
1 tsp ground cayenne pepper
1 tsp salt
.5 tsp paprika
.25 cup pizza sauce
1 cup mozzarella or whatever cheese
4 slices of bacon, cut up
Mini pepperoni, as much as you can
1 can black olives
1 can mushrooms
2 jalapeños
The Ritual
Preheat the furnaces of hell to 450
Mix the meat with the spices and spread over a nonstick spray sprayed baking sheet
Bake for 10 minutes.
Take out of the hellbox
Spread the sauce, apply the cheese
Now add the toppings.
Put back in the oven for 20 minutes
Sacrifice a virgin and bathe in his/her blood